In A World Where Pain Exists

In A World Where Pain Exists

“Only great pain, the long, slow pain that takes its time…compels us to descend to our ultimate depths…I doubt that such pain makes us “better;” but I know it makes us more profound;” This quote is attributed to: Friedrich Nietzsche

Goodreads quotes

In a world where there is disease and pain, there are many different levels of pain a person can experience, let alone handle. There is mild pain which means the pain is can be a nagging pain which is considered annoying but it’s not really anything too significant to interfere with daily activities or daily living.

Then you have moderate pain,” which means it can be a negative distraction during any type of physical activity. It’s tolerable but it can’t be ignored for longer than a certain period of time.

The third type or level of pain a person experiences is called Severe pain.” Severe pain can be the worst type or level of pain a person can experience. “Severe pain,” is a feeling of great discomfort or intensity that makes it extremely difficult to perform activities or even function in daily life. Even so much so, it can interfere with socialization and going out with family or friends. Which in turn confides a person to their home leaving them feeling cut off from the world, as well as isolated.

Here are different levels of pain intensity and what each one means:

Level 7:

Pain that takes over our senses and limits our daily living, activities, and socializing with family and friends outside our homes.

• Level 8:

Intense pain that severely impacts and interrupts our ability to socialize and perform daily activities and tasks.

• Level 9:

Excruciating and immense pain that can affect speaking and can cause us to disengage from communication and conversation, replaced with uncontrollable moaning and crying in pain.

Level 10:

Unspeakable and the ultimate worse kind of pain there is on a level scale. This level can and will cause a person to become bedridden. Not only that but, a person’s pain can become overwhelmingly severe, they may even experience hallucinations due to their body not being able to cope with the pain, without intervention.

Now, with that said, no one human experiences pain in the same exact way you do. Nor does anyone who isn’t experiencing your same pain have any right whatsoever to dismiss your pain as anything less than what it is. Your pain is just as important as anyone else’s pain. It’s not a competition. No one person is in more or less pain than you. Take for instance a cancer patient, would you tell a cancer patient to, “suck it up” and “deal with it?” NO! Absolutely not!

Then how is anyone else’s pain any less important? I also must mention that we all heal in different ways. Some heal quicker than others and some take longer than others to heal due having an autoimmune condition/disease or some form of underlying disease preventing them from healing.

Take for example someone like myself who suffers with Level 10 pain on a daily basis. The worst and most significant kind of pain there is. It affects every aspect of my life, including doing something as simple as walking, going to the bathroom, getting dressed, taking a shower, grocery shopping, etc. I have to depend on my husband and kids to help me, which hurts my character and makes me feel so small.

I am the type of person who does not handle pain very well at all. My body has a very low tolerance for pain. I will inform you that I have absolutely no control over that. Can I take pain medications? Yes, absolutely but those are only enough to take the edge off but doesn’t remove all the pain. So don’t you dare sit there and tell me “it’s mind over matter!” I’m here to tell you, THAT IS BS!!

When a person such as myself who suffers with not only Chronic Pain, but Degenerative Disc Disease, (Collapsed Stage), Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, as well as underlying diseases, it’s extremely difficult for my body to heal. Let alone function properly. I have lost all the tissue and cartilage in between my vertebrae’s. The bones in back are constantly rubbing together, which creates friction, and inflammation. Overtime, when the bones are constantly rubbing together it causes erosion. What does that come with? LEVEL 10 Pain!

If I were able to “heal” my body with my mind as well as exercise, yoga, and meditation and replace lost tissue and cartilage in between my vertebrae’s, and automatically be completely out of pain and completely healed, IT WOULD BE A DAMN MIRACLE!!

Some things like exercise, yoga, and meditation is NOT the answer to everything! Yes granted, it could help stimulate the mind and help improve our mood and keep us from getting depressed, as well as improve our mental health and strengthen our muscles. But it is by NO MEANS a physical miracle to heal a body that has already sustained permanent damage.

Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis is a permanent condition and disease, it’s irreversible! Although some doctors may say by surgically altering the discs in the spine may help prolong life and reduce pain, but like I said before, not every human body is going to heal in the same way. Many people who have had spinal surgery are still in remarkable pain despite surgical intervention.

For those of you who do not know what Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis is, read below.

Shutter Shock

What is Collapsed Degenerative Disc Disease?

At this stage, the spinal discs undergo irreversible degeneration. To address spine issues, invasive surgery is the only solution available. During the collapsing stage, mobility is significantly compromised.

The fusion of the bones in the spine occurs as a result of the pressure exerted by the spinal column. This fusion is a result of the absence of spinal discs that normally separate the bones in the spine. As the bones fuse, it leads to decreased mobility across various areas of the spine.

You might find it difficult to rotate your body or maintain an upright posture. Additionally, you may experience continuous back pain. At this point, the spinal discomfort will intensify as a result of persistent inflammation and stress on the bones.

Those who reach the collapsing stage often face challenges in leading regular lives. They might find themselves restricted to a wheelchair or confined to bed due to limited mobility and intense pain. Given the seriousness of the collapsing stage, it is crucial to address degenerative disc disease well before it reaches this point.

You will then avoid the consequences of this stage of the disease. You can also avoid more intensive treatments such as surgery.

Source of my information:

Shutter shock

What is Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis happens when the bony openings (foramina) in the spine start to narrow, reducing the space for nerves. This narrowing can take place in the spinal canal (where the spinal cord is located) and/or in the intervertebral foramina where spinal nerves exit the spinal canal. The compression of a spinal nerve or spinal cord due to this narrowing can lead to pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness, depending on the extent of narrowing and the affected area. To read more about spinal stenosis visit:

So in conclusion, if you are suffering with constant agonizing pain, just know you are not alone. I get how hopeless you may feel, how discouraged you may feel, how life can feel impossible and lonely. I have had many days where I felt I couldn’t go on, where all I wanted to do was just give up because this pain has been too significant I felt I couldn’t take one more day of it but I have stayed resilient and have tried everything remotely possible to help keep myself going through this storm. I have traveled down many paths to find solution after solution, some with a promise of hope and others not so much.


Night’s Healing Embrace

Night’s Healing Embrace

“Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.”
Napoleon Bonaparte, French Military Leader

Popular Sleep Quotes

As the moon rises high in the night sky,
And the stars twinkle with a gentle sigh,
I lay my head down to rest and keep,
drifting away into the land of sleep.

My mind begins to wander and roam,
Through fields of dreams, I freely roam,
visiting places I’ve never seen,
in the realm of sleep, I am a queen.

The worries of the day slowly fade,
as I find solace in the dreams I made.
My spirit is light, a tranquil heart,
a peaceful embrace, where the healing starts.

So let me drift off into the night,
where dreams are vivid, and healing takes plight.
In the quiet stillness of the night,
I find my peace in sweet sleeps, delight.

Written in response to:

Copyright ©️ by Jenny Frye. June 15, 2024. All rights reserved.

Whispers in The Dark

Whispers in The Dark

I remember being able to get up without making sound effects…good times – Anonymous

Hopelessness, emotions high,
I beg the question, why?
What’s the purpose of this pain?
God, answer me, explain!

I’m losing hope,
my faith is dwindling.
darkness has awoken,
this pain is crippling.

God, please set me free,
I’m tired of suffering.
I’m begging you, on bended knee.
Where is your healing, offering?

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 15, 2024. All rights reserved.

Relentless Suffering 😖

Relentless Suffering 😖

I am going to go ahead and apologize now to make you all aware that this will be my only post today due to being in excruciating pain.

From the time I woke up this morning up until now, I have been in agonizing pain, despite every effort of relieving the pain. My home health nurse made a visit today and I informed her that my chronic back pain is getting worse and everything I have tried to alleviate the pain, has failed.

My home health nurse was very understanding, and compassionate, as well as extremely supportive. When a person such as myself suffers with agonizing pain every second of every day, it tends to take a toll on the mind and affects mental health. Not only that but I have been feeling confined strictly to my home and the only socialization I get, is here on WordPress. So it can feel quite lonely and isolating.

So the visit with my home health nurse was quite refreshing, I felt heard and seen. As the visit went on, I felt as if, finally someone gets it, someone knows my suffering. Those of you who suffer in constant and agonizing pain every day, I’m sure can relate to my situation. You want more than anything to live a life without being in pain, you want to be heard and seen, as well as have someone show empathy and compassion.

Hopefully, after my home health nurse passes her notes onto my PCP as well as my insurance, I’m hoping and praying my PCP and insurance will find a solution that’s right for me. All I want is to live again, to live a life pain free or at least in less pain to where I can physically function and walk, not having to worry about sitting down every few minutes. I want to be able to go grocery shopping without being in pain, play with my granddaughter, clean my house, do laundry. You know, normal everyday things.

I want to feel useful, not useless. I want and need to feel like I am doing something to contribute for my family. I just want to feel normal again. As it stands now, I feel completely useless, although my husband tells me I’m not. I use to be a happy and energetic person who loved life, but this chronic pain leaves me absolutely miserable and I feel like all I am is a cripple who doesn’t have a life and can barely walk.

For those of you who suffer from any type of chronic pain and disease, please remember you are not alone. There is someone out there who is also suffering. If you feel hesitant to reach out for support and need someone to talk to, please don’t hold back. Everyone suffers in one way or another, you don’t have to face it alone. You deserve to feel heard and seen. You matter, your pain matters, you are loved, you are worthy!

Wordless Wednesday – June 12, 2024

Wordless Wednesday – June 12, 2024

“There is no Wi-Fi in the forest, but I promise you will find a better connection.” –Ralph Smart

Wordless Wednesday is a simple blog post featuring a photo that conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

Linking up with sandee at comedy plus wordless wednesday

#1 Liner Wednesday – June 12, 2024

#1 Liner Wednesday – June 12, 2024

Create Love; Not Hate. - Restore Peace in Humanity 

Written in response to:

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 12, 2024 – All rights reserved.

Peace – Lies In Fields of Green

Peace – Lies In Fields of Green

Peace lies in fields of green,

A succulent place, serene.

Stress melts away,

as trees sway.

As the fiery sun sets,

Darkness is met,

with eyes open,

senses awoken.

Moonlight dances,

upon the swaying branches,

Warm summer air,

felt upon skin, bare.

Dazzling stars,

ingrained in memoirs.

Wishes spoken,

for a second, time frozen.

Copyright ©️ by JennyFrye. June 11, 2024. All rights reserved.

A Smile is Worth A Thousand Stories

A Smile is Worth A Thousand Stories

If humans had taglines, what would yours be?

I’ve had no choice but to be strong

“Abuse is never deserved, it is an exploitation of innocence and physical disadvantage, which is perceived as an opportunity by the abuser.” – Lorraine Nilon, Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence

Why did I choose this tagline? Keep reading…

Here’s a small insight in the Back story to my tagline:

From the time I was 6 years old until I was 19 years old, I suffered horribly from people who were supposed to be the ones to protect me, love me, guide me, give me the tools needed for adulthood. But unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

March 15, 1981 is the day I was born into this world, to a mother who had already decided my fate, long before I was born. My biological mother and biological father didn’t want me from the get go. They gave me to a family who they thought would be better for me than they could provide. But they were sorely mistaken, their judgement was clouded by their alcoholism.

At just two years old, I was adopted by my half sister and her husband, who I would grow up calling “mom.” and “dad.” I was the only girl out of four boys, who I would grow up calling, “my brothers.” From the time I was six years old is how far back my memory will allow me to remember certain events. Normally, people who can remember that far back, remember good childhood memories and can recall how happy of a child they were, friends they had, even schools they attended.

Most people were blessed with a happy, care free childhood with parents who wanted them, loved them, cared for them, accepted them, made them feel safe, and protected them at all costs. But sadly, that wasn’t the case with my childhood.

I was my adoptive parent’s punching bag when they were having a bad day; mainly from my adoptive father. Blow after blow felt like some horrible nightmare. Not only was I his punching bag but, I was also my adoptive father’s play toy, a sexual fantasy that he would so grossly abuse and manipulate. A toy he would take advantage of without any conscious thought, nor a shred of guilt.

As a child at the very young and innocent age of six years old, I had little control over this monstrous beast and his sick and twisted demise. I was trapped, frozen in fear, with no escape, nowhere to run, feeling so alone. Fighting to break free only made the situation more intense, the more I fought, the harder he would restrain me. The screams weren’t enough to alert the neighbors, nor loud enough to sway him from his relentless pursuit to achieve his sick, demented fantasy.

To Be Continued…

As I grew up and was old enough to understand and process all the inhumane things that were so cruelly done to me as a child, I never would have imagined I would be a victim of sexual, and physical assault. The mental, emotional, and verbal abuse that came along with it, wasn’t any better.

My childhood was filled with constant fear, mental and emotional pain, anxiety, and depression. I have very little happy memories of my childhood, and times I felt safe. I wish I could sit here and say I had the greatest and happiest childhood, because I know that’s what people in today’s society would want to hear.

But in life, that’s not always the case, by telling my story and getting my story out there, who knows, my story could touch someone and inspire someone who’s also suffered from child abuse. Or who knows, maybe someone who is currently suffering with any type of abuse will gain the courage to step forward and speak out.

Now, with that said, now that you know a little about my back story you can understand a little about why I chose my tagline:

I’ve had no choice but to be strong.”

To read more of my story, click on the link below and it will take you to my autobiography I’ve been writing since 2018.

Autobiography Chapter 1

Embrace Your Curiosity

Embrace Your Curiosity

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.” – Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein made this statement in the Life Magazine on May 2, 1955.

Did you know that research shows that people who are inquisitive or curious about the mysteries of life and everything in it, aids in brain development as well as achievement in life? It helps reduce anxiety and increases positive emotions.

Yeah, I didn’t either.

Everyday, things in life changes, our world is moving at such a fast pace, it’s difficult to keep up. As the saying goes, “you learn something new everyday.” This world is so big with voluptuous mysteries that have yet to be discovered and unraveled. We could spend our whole lives learning new things and everything in this life that the world has to offer. We will never stop learning about the mysteries, eternity, and the structures of this world and life.

With that said, if you are a very curious and inquisitive person like me, please don’t stop asking questions. And don’t you dare allow anyone to tell you, you are annoying or that you ask too many questions. It’s perfectly normal and more than okay to expand your knowledge about the virtues and mysteries of life.

Those people who make you feel small and ignorant just because you ask a lot of questions and are curious about the mysteries in life, are insecure about their own knowledge in life and have no ambition or drive to learn new things.

You are your own person, you have your own way of learning new things. You have every right to think outside of the box. Keep being you and keep asking questions! If one person you ask can’t answer your questions, don’t give up. Keep asking questions until you get the answers you need. It’s all part of being a curious and inquisitive human being.

Curiosity is intelligence having fun – Albert Einstein

The Uncharted Path

The Uncharted Path

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain

Getting lost only to find yourself, will

lead you down paths, not yet tread,

Through valleys deep, mountains high, until

you discover the strength within you, spread.

To soar above doubts and fears,

that once held you back, will free you to fly,

to chase your dreams, wipe away tears.

Embrace the unknown, reach for the sky.

Stop being afraid to lose your way.

In darkness you will find the light,

that guides you to a brighter day,

and will help you shine, bold and bright.

Written in response to: Reena’s Xploration Challenge #334

Getting Lost Will Help You Find Yourself”

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye June 7, 2024 All rights reserved.

dVerse — OLN 363 — Toto I’ve A Feeling We’re Not In Kansas Anymore

dVerse — OLN 363 — Toto I’ve A Feeling We’re Not In Kansas Anymore

Picture provided by

Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore

We live in a world, divided,

A world of hate and war,

Too many corrupt politicians, two sided.

We live in dark times,

Our Veterans are lining the streets,

Homeless and poor, shaking a cup for dimes,

Hoping to earn enough, just to eat.

Picture provided by

We are a world at war,

filled with hate and greed,

and lack of rapport.

Peace needs to intercede.

Written in response to

“Toto, I’ve a feeling we are not in Kansas anymore” – From the Wizard of Oz (1939)

Strength Through The Darkness

Strength Through The Darkness

“It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” – Rocky Balboa

June 6th

Writers Workshop Prompt – Strength

Strength is all I’ve ever known,

I’ve had no choice but to be strong.

Battle after battle, resilience I have shown,

Dark paths I have walked along.

Each dark path traveled, trials came,

Some knocked me flat on my face,

While others, a head hung in shame,

But each battle fought, I fought with grace.

Through weakness, comes strength,

With strength, comes resilience,

trials will come in wavelengths,

Some will be down right hideous.

You win some, you lose some,

The ones lost, lose with humility,

The ones won, beat your own drum.

Never give up, embrace your survivability.

Written in response to:

Natures Healing Qualities

Natures Healing Qualities

A birds song, a personal serenade

harmonized and in symphony

heard through the window shade

A timeless rhythm, was her epiphany.

Natures artistry,

a healing melody,

A souls remedy,

Fortitude in life’s adversities.

Copyright ©️ by Jenny Frye June 5, 2024 All rights reserved

Wordless Wednesday June 5, 2024

Wordless Wednesday June 5, 2024

“I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it.” – William Shakespeare

Wordless Wednesday is a simple blog post featuring a photo that conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

Linking up with sandee at comedy plus wordless Wednesdays

A Raging Storm Within Me

A Raging Storm Within Me

Watching the storms outside raging,

Rain and thunder collide,

Heavy winds blowing, lightning blazing,

I see on the outside what I feel on the inside.

A raging storm within me,

A song I could sing.

Natures fury,

Sing to me your glory.

Carry me out to sea,

I long to be free.

Comfort me in your song,

Where I can feel I belong.

Shades Of Blue in Fields of Bloom

Shades Of Blue in Fields of Bloom

Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Shades of Blue

Shades of blue,

In fields of bloom.

Nature in it’s making,

A moment worth taking.

Splashes of magnificent hues

of purple, yellow and blue.

Heaven under our feet,

Where peace can be reached.

Written in response to: Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Shades of Blue

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 4, 2024 All rights reserved.



Sadjie’s WDYS #241 – June 3, 2024

Inspirational Image

My first daughter Ashleigh – Born a Miracle

Born a miracle,

God’s beautiful pinnacle.

Eyes sparkle and shine,

Precious life, so divine.

What do I see?

A precious life, meant to be.

A life of grace and light,

who shines vivaciously bright.

Skip Ahead 21 Years

My first daughter at 21 years old. She survived all odds.
✨She’s a living, breathing Miracle from God! ✨

(A note for those of you don’t know the back story of my daughter being born a miracle.)

*My daughter Ashleigh , shown in these pictures above, survived all odds shortly after being born. Hours after my daughter was born, death came knocking on her door. She was born premature and her lungs weren’t fully developed and while in the N.I.C.U., her health rapidly declined.

She was hooked up to all sorts of machines, including a feeding tube. She was also severely jaundiced. The N.I.C.U. doctor told us she wasn’t going to survive. Her lungs were too underdeveloped. She was clinging to life just days after being born.

Our pastor Rick Harms was by her bedside day and night praying for her. Our church, family, friends, and my husband and I were also praying for a miracle.

Miraculously, God heard our cries and blessed my daughter with life. Her lungs began to improve, her breathing began to improve, the blue light from the machine she was in began to heal her jaundice. Come May 31, 2003, she was discharged with a clean bill of health and we got to take her home, but with some caution rules. So it’s not just love that’s a miracle. My daughter being blessed with life.

However, throughout the years, there were many doctor and er visits. Due to her being born premature, her immune system wasn’t very strong, she got sick, A Lot. She was on a round of many medications and special formula.
Here it is 21 years later and she is a healthy beautiful woman and great mother.

Written in response to:

Living With Chronic Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis

Living With Chronic Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis

How is one supposed to live a life of purpose when all your life is filled with is constant around the clock, agonizing chronic pain!?

Suffering with constant around the clock chronic pain has affected every aspect of my life, in more ways than one. How?

Allow me to explain:

Living a life filled with constant chronic pain is a very difficult challenge like no other. It feels as though every aspect of my life is being controlled by this unrelenting force, leaving me feeling helpless and defeated. How is one supposed to find purpose in life when all you can focus on is the pain that never seems to go away?

For me, the effects of chronic pain have been far-reaching. Not only does it impact me physically, but it also takes a toll on my mental health. The constant agony I experience on a daily basis leaves me feeling drained and unable to fully engage with the world around me. It’s discouraging to find joy in simple tasks when every movement is met with excruciating pain.

The loss of mobility that comes with chronic pain is perhaps the most devastating aspect of it all. Being unable to do the things that once brought me so much joy and fulfillment is a constant reminder of the limitations that this pain imposes on my life. It’s easy to feel isolated and alone when I’m stuck in bed while the world continues to move forward without me.

As the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months, and months turn into years, the mental toll of chronic pain becomes increasingly apparent. Depression, anxiety, and a sense of hopelessness has quickly taken hold, making it even more challenging to see a way out of the darkness that pain brings. It’s a vicious cycle that can feel impossible to break free from.

Picture provided by:

So, how is one supposed to find purpose in life when all they can feel is agonizing pain? It’s a question that I grapple with every day. But despite the challenges that chronic pain presents, I believe that there is still hope for a fulfilling life. It may require a shift in perspective and a willingness to adapt to new limitations, but it is possible to find moments of joy and purpose even in the midst of pain.

Finding purpose in a life filled with chronic pain may involve redefining what success looks like for those of you who suffer with chronic pain. It may mean finding new hobbies or activities that can be done within your physical limitations. It may also involve seeking support from loved ones or mental health professionals to help cope with the emotional toll of pain.

While chronic pain may never fully go away, it doesn’t have to define who you are or what you’re capable of achieving. By finding ways to adapt and thrive in spite of chronic pain, it is possible to live a life of purpose and fulfillment. It may not be easy, but it is worth fighting for.

The Boiling Point

The Boiling Point

Three Things Challenge

Your three words today are:


The Boiling Point

I could feel the heat in my face intensify, a simmering anger began to seethe within me, bubbling up like a boiling pot of water. The tension in the room was noticeable, the atmosphere was so thick, I could cut it with a knife.

I could feel the frustration and pent up emotions growing between the both of us. It was only a matter of time before the bubble of restraint burst, unleashing a froth of heated words and raw emotions, I would later regret.

The room seemed to crackle with intensity of the moment, each breath feeling heavier than the last. It was a powerful ticking bomb ready to explode, and there was no telling what might happen once it did.

Written in response to #3TC:

http://Three Things Challenge #M714 Welcome to the daily Three Things Challenge. Use your imagination and creativity using one, two or all three words that may or may not be related. …

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 3, 2024. All rights reserved.

Sunday Whirl Wordle #657

Sunday Whirl Wordle #657

Brenda Warren is our host and you can join in too, just click here

Our words this week are:
clicking, whimsical, leap, poetry, songs, be, whirring, dangling, fates, talk, grant, storm

In the whirl of fate’s storm,

Songs of poetry clicking and whirring,

Dangling on whimsical threads,

As we leap into the unknown,

Granting wishes with each word spoken.

Let’s talk of dreams and desires,

Let our imaginations be free,

To dance and sing with joy,

In this enchanting world of poetry.

I’m Not Okay

I’m Not Okay

I know a lot of you have noticed my writing language has changed within the last few days and may leave you scratching your heads wondering, what has gotten into that woman. 🤔

Well, a simple answer to that would be,


Life has me spinning 😵‍💫 in circles, which is causing my mental and emotional health to be in a downward slope.

But I’m here to tell you, I’m not going to apologize for my erratic behavior. Everyone has their good days and bad days. The last few days just happen to be my bad days. Well, if you don’t count my car breaking down last week.

I don’t always have to be strong all the time. This is me, being my authentic self. Not that I haven’t always been, but it seems as though people in my life expect me to be able to keep it all together, all the time. No. It doesn’t work that way. I am human and I have feelings just like everyone else. I am allowed to vent, to be sad, and to be angry.

Quote from

That’s what makes me human. I’m not some programmed robot who doesn’t have feelings. I’m very much, one hundred percent human, who has real feelings and emotions. Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, storms move in when we least expect them. But, with time, I will bounce back, and I will eventually be okay.

I’m not okay,
The weight on my chest,
Crushing me down,
I can’t catch my breath.

I’m not okay,
nothing to numb the pain,
my heart aches,
with unending pain.

I’m not okay,
But I’ll keep fighting,
I won’t give up,
I’ll keep writing.

I’m not okay,
But that’s okay,
I’ll find my way,
To a brighter day.
Why Speak When Words Alone Are Not Enough.

Why Speak When Words Alone Are Not Enough.

“The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.” —Mother Teresa

Too many words have been spoken,

time and energy wasted.

Promises broken,

lovelessness, tasted.

This silence feels like a heavy shroud,

a quietness that speaks louder than any crowd.

In my sleep, I find a fragile peace,

a chance for my weary soul to finally release.

A new day approaches, sorrow lingers,

My heart, bruised and blistered.

I can’t continue to live like this,

Can’t you see, something’s amiss?

Our love has grown cold,

I question what our future beholds.

Silence only delays the inevitable,

Leaving this marriage, questionable.

Since you clearly don’t care enough to read my poems anymore, I guess you will never know how I feel.

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 1, 2024. All rights reserved.

Breaking The Cycle

Breaking The Cycle

Why must we show our pain in ways others can see,

When the true depths of our suffering lies on our sleeve,

Why must blood be spilled, scars be shown,

For own pain to be acknowledged, known.

I don’t believe the world should wait,

For us to hurt ourselves to demonstrate.

The battles we fight, the demons we face,

It shouldn’t have to leave a physical trace.

My pain, your pain, is real, whether it’s seen or not,

It doesn’t need validation through a blood clot,

Let’s break the cycle, set ourselves free,

From the expectations to wear our pain visibly.

We must speak our truth, share our stories,

Without the need for external glories,

Let’s support each other, listen within,

Before the wounds are open, before the skin is thin.

Embracing Menopause

Embracing Menopause

Menopause, a time for change and transition,

when hormones rage and emotions may be in submission.

Hot flashes and mood swings, oh what a ride,

But through it all, we must continue to strive.

Our bodies may shift, our minds may wonder,

But we are still strong, no need to squander.

This is a new chapter, a time of growth,

Embracing our wisdom, that comes with both.

So let us celebrate this season of life,

by navigating the challenges with grace and strife.

We are women, fierce and bold,

Embracing menopause, as we get old.

Food – We Need it To Survive

Food – We Need it To Survive

Food, we need it survive,

nutritionally thrive.

But food is outrageously priced,

quickly burns holes in our pockets.

Junk food goes to our waists,

Healthy food, too expensive,

It’s a disgrace.

We lack nutrition, we suffer.

Written in response to



Motivational quotes, they can be quite inspiring, right? Someone who comes across it may need to see it at just the right time. I know I have came upon many motivational quotes, phrases, poems, and statements throughout my life time.

I have also came up with my own motivational quotes that have surprisingly shocked me to my core and gave me goose bumps.

So, with that said, I’ll get on with what motivational quote I came up with yesterday.

Yesterday, my husband and I were on our way to the courthouse to renew our tags and I saw two trucks that I liked. So, I say to my husband “Those are nice trucks.”

(By the way, in case you all don’t know, I love trucks!)

Anyways, my husband then goes on to say, “I want a truck so bad.” I then say, “if you ever do get a truck, we outta take it out to go mudding and do 360’s in the mud, that would be so much fun!” 🤩

My husband’s response: “If I ever do get a truck, I’m not going to tear it up by going out mudding.”

My response: 🤦‍♀️ “Yeah but, trucks are built to handle that type of thing.”

-“You gotta live a little.”

I then say to my husband – YOLO!!

For those who haven’t heard the term: (YOLO)

YOLO – You Only Live Once

Then……..I say, (This is where I came up with my own motivational quote.)

If you can’t live while you are alive, then you aren’t living. Jenny Frye

Read that again…

In life, we all need and thrive on fun! We are built for speed. We all long for change. We love living on the edge. There is so much more to life than paying bills, living a mundane life, worrying about things that are beyond our control.

We all need to get away, we all need a break from time to time. It’s in our nature.

It’s okay to have fun. It’s okay to live a little. There is so much more out there to enjoy and explore.

If you are just living from day to day in the same boring routine and you find yourself feeling like you are in a twilight zone or some sort of paradox, that’s when you know,

it’s time to get away. It’s time to surround yourself with a change of scenery!


Quote Of The Day 💭

Quote Of The Day 💭

Our problems and life’s adversities are only temporary. Not everyday will bring the same amount of pain and or darkness. There is light on the other side if we strive to reach hard enough for it. By: Jenny Frye

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. All rights reserved.

A True Southern Gem

A True Southern Gem

Aunt Becky 1949 – 2008

Aunt Becky, a firecracker in every way,

With her wise cracks and southern charm on display,

She lit up the room with her infectious grin,

Her laughter echoing like a joyful hymn.

She had a sparkle in her eyes, full of mischief,

Always ready with a joke or a funny story,

Aunt Becky was a force to be reckoned with.

Her spirit bright and her love never to be missed.

Despite her cancer, she was a pillar of strength,

Leading us through the darkest of nights,

With her wisdom and grace, she showed us the way,

To live life to the fullest, to always stand tall and fight.

Aunt Becky, we all miss you more than words can say,

But your memory will live on in our hearts everyday,

You were quite the firecracker, a true southern gem,

Forever in our hearts, an Aunt Becky and a friend.

Written in response to

Pause and Reflect

Pause and Reflect

(I’m a little late posting this but here is my attempt.)

In life’s chaos, we often forget to pause,

To breathe in deeply and appreciate all that’s ours.

The beauty in a sunrise, the whisper of the breeze,

These moments of stillness brings us to our knees.

Pause and listen to the laughter of a child,

Or the gentle rustle of leaves in the wild.

In these quiet moments, we find peace.

Written in response to Weekend Writing Prompt #365 – Pause

Wordless Wednesday Part 2

Wordless Wednesday Part 2

On my drive back from picking my daughter up from drivers Ed, I had to stop off to take a pic of this beautiful art work. I’ve passed it many times and have been wanting to take a picture of it. How can you not. It’s stunning artwork. I love anything art.

Not only that but I couldn’t resist petting the horses in the field. I LOVE HORSES!! 🐴

Towanda Kansas
Art display, for all to see,

A creative piece, so serene.

Picture perfect, a tranquil view,

painted a cheerful blue.
Towanda Kansas
Exquisite art, a delicate piece,

Carefully crafted,

viewed from the streets.

A pristine piece, enchanted.

I Also Love horses! I couldn’t resist petting this beauty. He was quite friendly.
Munch. Munch. He was hungry.
My youngest daughter also loves horses.

Does anyone know why these horses in the pictures have to have guards over their face?

Don’t mind my messy hair. It was windy. 😂
Self with my new buddy 😁

Such beautiful artwork! Towanda Kansas
Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It’s what sunflowers do.”

This quote is by Helen Keller. It suggests that by focusing on the positives, one can emerge from difficult situations by avoiding or distracting their focus from the negatives.


Wordless Wednesday is a simple blog post featuring a photo that conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

Kansas sunflowers meadow,

sweet serenity.

Awaken your senses,

Peace blankets worries.

Linking up with Sandee at Comedy Plus Wordless Wednesday

Summertime’s Warmth

Summertime’s Warmth

Summery smiling, warming winters chill away,

Birds soaking in summers warmth.

Flowers awaken, a rebirth begins.

Written in response to http://Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Summery wakeup and smile a new day awaits blissfully summery Welcome To Moonwashed Musings Your Weekly Prompt – Summery Let the prompt word and/or image …

Storms Art Display

Storms Art Display

Mid Summer rain, such a delightful sight.

A cool breeze grazes my face.

What a peaceful feeling.

Thunder roars and rips loudly, lightning strikes.

Across the night sky, paints art.

A remarkable piece.

Written in response to Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday syllabic Poetry Challange

Part 2 – Update on My Car Problems

Part 2 – Update on My Car Problems

If anyone has “Life360” on their phones, then you know how it can be a lifesaver, right. It certainly came in handy for me today, a lifesaver in a time of crisis. Thanks to paying $19.99 a month, to receive these services, I was able to get my car towed to O’reileys for FREE. There were no additional out of pocket costs for me. That was a blessing in disguise, especially when I didn’t have a penny to my name.

After contacting “Life360” and getting everything arranged, the tow truck didn’t get there until about 11am. Now mind you, my husband and I had already been broken down for over an hour prior to this. It only took about 10-15 for the tow truck to get our car hooked up to the truck and to arrive at O’reileys.

Shortly after my car gets to O’reileys, my father in law begins the long and tedious job of not only replacing our car battery but also replacing our alternator. Let me tell you, that was a very long and exhausting job for my father in law. Allow me to explain why. With where my serpentine belt is, he had to have a special tool to take off the bolts so he could get to the alternator and replace it.

Well, my father in-law had left that special tool at his house, which is about 45 minutes from here. So my father in-law asked O’reileys if they had that tool he needed and of course, they didn’t. So my father in-law tries to make do with what he had to work with. Roughly, an hour goes by and the tools he is using just aren’t getting the job done. Those stubborn bolts just aren’t coming off, then I hear the words,

“I’m gonna have to bite the bullet.”

I’m thinking, oh great, that’s just more money he is having to shell out for us. 🤦‍♀️ At this point, I’m already feeling bad enough enough that he had to come all this way to fix our car, now he has to spend more money to buy a tool when he has two at home already. So then, my father in-law came out of O’reileys with the tool he bought and things begin to look promising.

I watch my father in-law put this tool together,

(which I can’t for the life of me, think of at the moment, so please bear with me.)

Anyways, he begins digging down deep to loosen the bolts to my serpentine belt, I then see my husband give me the 👍 sign. *I breathe a sigh of relief.*

At this point, things were going smoothly and my husband and I would be back on the road and back home in no time. Finally, the time arrived. It was after 2pm. My car is all fixed up and everything work’s flawlessly. My car drives so much smoother now, thanks to the generosity of my father in-law.

This whole day has been a very long, stressful, and exhausting day. It may not have started out too well, but it ended well. My husband and I are forever grateful and thankful for my Father in-laws help. He could have simply said no to helping us, but with his kind and warm selfless heart, he came to our rescue. Took the time out of his day to fix my battery and alternator; which happened to be a very long and tedious task.

I also must mention a good friend of mine, who not only used his own vehicle and gas to come out to help us but who also took the time out of his day to try and do what he could to help us.

It’s times like this that having reliable family and friends who can selflessly turn a dark moment into a path that lights the path of Hope.

Car Broke Down and Stuck On The Side Of The Road 🥺

Car Broke Down and Stuck On The Side Of The Road 🥺

Not exactly how I wanted to start my day🥺

After taking my youngest daughter to her drivers Ed 15 miles from my home town, I make it there safely. But the drive back was something I did not plan on happening . Just as we get into town, my car begins to wig out on me and my steering wheel locks up.

There I am stuck at the red light 🚦. I then proceed to turn the car off, in fear of worse things happening. There I am stuck in the middle of the road and my car won’t start. 🙄 So I did what anyone would do and I tried starting it and with my luck it wouldn’t start. So then I tried turning the key until I could get it start.

Finally, I was able to get it started but my steering wheel was still locked up. So I cautiously drive it at a snails speed and pulled it over to the side of the road. There I am stuck on the side of the road without a penny to my name or any tools to at least fix the corrosion on my battery cable. I then call some friends I knew I could rely on, praying they would somehow be able to help us out.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, a good friend of mine shows up, takes a look at my car and at first glance says it’s definitely our battery. I’m thinking ok good. It’s not that big of a deal, we just need a new battery and we’ll be good to go. Yeah wishful thinking! After scraping off the corrosion off the battery cable and putting it back on, putting jumper cables on and charging it, I start my car. Ahhhh! What a relief, it’s starts and my steering wheel unlocks.

Just when I thought my husband and I were in the clear and thought I could drive home, my good friend takes the jumper cables off and surprise, surprise, my car shuts off. I throw my hands up in frustration and am wondering why it shuts off. Then I hear the words “it’s your alternator.” OF COURSE IT IS!! WHAT ELSE CAN GO WRONG!! That’s just my luck!

“I don’t have the money for an alternator!” “Now, what am I going to do!” Im thinking, I’m certainly not going to just leave my car here to be vandalized or broken into! With my father in-law already on the way here; forty five minutes out, we are stuck. We then proceed to wait and all I could do was laugh at the situation. If I don’t laugh, I will be a ball of tears.

Fast forward forty five minutes or so later, my father in-law shows up, takes a look at my car and sure enough, our alternator is shot! (Here comes the water works.) Life and life’s heartaches, finances, physical chronic pain, family issues, is already stressful enough. At this point, I can’t handle much more.

My stress meter is at its max peak, and rising. My anxiety is through the roof. I’m really trying to be strong and keep it together but with all these things, one after another happening without any sign of relief has got my feathers ruffled.

To be continued…I’ll update you all here soon.

Heartland Echoes

Heartland Echoes

Heads Up

Before I go any further, I want to inform you all that I switched back to my original website because I was having too many problems with my other website called, (My Story is Far From Over)

As you can see, I kept my blog name as well as my public display name the same, so there isn’t any confusion.

So feel free to follow me on this account.

Hopefully I’ll have better luck with this one than I did with the other one.

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. May 26, 2024. All rights reserved.

What are your dreams and aspirations in life?

What are your dreams and aspirations in life?

Dreams and aspirations are about envisioning a better future for ourselves. They are the things that we hope to achieve or experience in our lives. Dreams can be big or small, short-term or long-term, and they can and will change over time. As we grow and learn more about ourselves and the world around us, our dreams and aspirations may evolve accordingly.

One of the most important aspects of dreams and aspirations is that they give us something to strive for. They provide us with a sense of direction and purpose, and they motivate us to work hard and push ourselves to achieve our goals. Without dreams and aspirations, life can feel so empty and directionless.

However, it’s important to remember that achieving our dreams and aspirations is rarely easy. It often requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. We may encounter setbacks and obstacles along the way, such as myself. We may need to make sacrifices in order to achieve our goals. But it’s crucial to stay focused on our dreams and aspirations. We have to keep pushing ourselves forward, even when things get tough.

One of the keys to achieving our dreams and aspirations is to set clear and concise goals. When we have a clear idea of what we want to achieve, we can create a plan of action and take steps towards our goals. It’s also important to stay flexible and adaptable, as our goals and aspirations may change over time.

Another important aspect of dreams and aspirations is that they can help us to grow and develop as individuals. Pursuing our passions and interests can help us to discover new talents and skills, and to develop a sense of confidence and self-esteem. Even if we don’t achieve all of our goals, the process of striving towards them can help us to learn and grow as individuals.

In conclusion, dreams and aspirations are essential components of human life. They give us direction and purpose, and they motivate us to work hard and push ourselves towards our goals. While achieving our dreams may not always be easy in today’s society, the process of pursuing them can help us to grow and develop as individuals. Whether our dreams are big or small, they are an important part of what makes us human.

No matter what obstacles life tries to throw at you, never give up! Keep pushing forward!

“Don’t give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you.” — John Wooden

What are your dreams and aspirations in life? What setbacks have you experienced? Feel free to comment. No judgement here. ✨😊

My Poem: Its Gonna Be Okay Little Angel

Little Angel

If there were some way to
Talk to that innocent little Angel
to tell her what I know now
I wonder what that would be like
Would I be able to warn her of what will happen?
Would I be able to encourage her to go another way?
Could I tell her that I believe her?
Would she believe me?
Could I tell her what not to say or do?
Could I warn her of each tragedy
before it strikes?
But then I wouldn’t be the person I am today!
but so much will happen to this little angel

It’s gonna be ok little angel,
I know things are so hard right now
having to live in this horrible nightmare
being so scared to move, to speak, to think
And your trembling in fear
From all the dark, evil shadows that are lurking around you
It’s gonna be ok little angel, you have not been abandoned or deserted

Its gonna be ok little angel, you will not feel alone
I know that it feels that way now
As you are burdened with all your sadness
It’s gonna be ok little angel, there will come a day the sun will shine so bright into those dark clouds that surround you
although it has been so very long that
you can’t even remember what that’s like.

It’s gonna be ok little angel, just continue to stay strong
Through every journey of life
I know how very hard that can be
When it never feels like its gonna end.
Its gonna be ok little angel, I can promise you that

God will send you a wonderful friend
Who will help you through each & every journey
And you will become like family,
They will surround you and protect you
It’s gonna be ok little angel, just know it’s not your fault
You were never meant to carry this burden alone

It’s gonna be ok little angel, you are not who you have been told to be
But there will be evil ones who will try to cause you more pain and anguish
It’s gonna be ok little angel, you are worth so much more
To the one who gave you a name
It’s gonna be ok little angel, you have been chosen by a much higher power
By the one who has rescued you
Even after your heart has been broken, scarred, and frozen

It’s gonna be ok little angel, everything that I am telling you is so very true
I know how hard it is for you to be able to love and trust again
Because your heart has held so very much heartache and pain inside
Because of this evil world you were brought into
Because you have been beaten and broken down
And it leaves you wanting to run and hide away forever

Its gonna be ok little angel, who can blame you?
You’ve been taught right from wrong but only the opposite
With all that you have been through
You can’t see one speck of light through those dark clouds that surround you

It’s going to be okay little angel
You will make it through
And things will be so much better one day
although with all this pain, you can’t see a break through
God is bringing you peace and comfort through it all.
You are his child and he Loves you immensely
He will never leave you nor forsake you
like so many people in your life have
One day you will help others by your testimony.

It’s gonna be ok little angel, you are and always will be wanted,
You are God’s beloved child
although your past is being haunted
And not all has been made right
He will one day make it right
you will Always be God’s child
And will never be forgotten,
But held with his loving arms

It’s gonna be ok little angel, I know how hard it is
To believe and understand right now
That loving fathers actually do exist,
Who will always protect you and never hurt you
But sweet little angel, you are loved,
Far greater than you could ever imagine
By a Loving Father up above
I know how hard that can be to imagine right now
But God’s love is a love that is pure, and true
The kind of love that I know you dream about every night
Because sweet little angel, I am you;
So trust me when I say this and have no doubt in your mind
That we are going to make it through together
Things will be so much better one day
I promise you
And its gonna be ok little angel