A True Southern Gem

A True Southern Gem

Aunt Becky 1949 – 2008

Aunt Becky, a firecracker in every way,

With her wise cracks and southern charm on display,

She lit up the room with her infectious grin,

Her laughter echoing like a joyful hymn.

She had a sparkle in her eyes, full of mischief,

Always ready with a joke or a funny story,

Aunt Becky was a force to be reckoned with.

Her spirit bright and her love never to be missed.

Despite her cancer, she was a pillar of strength,

Leading us through the darkest of nights,

With her wisdom and grace, she showed us the way,

To live life to the fullest, to always stand tall and fight.

Aunt Becky, we all miss you more than words can say,

But your memory will live on in our hearts everyday,

You were quite the firecracker, a true southern gem,

Forever in our hearts, an Aunt Becky and a friend.

Written in response to https://thesoundofonehandtyping.com/2024/05/28/writers-workshop-prompts-for-may-30-2024/

6 thoughts on “A True Southern Gem

    1. Thank you so much. She sure was. She was one of my favorite aunts. I still miss her and still think about her all time, along with my grandma who passed away two years later of Alzheimer’s. My grandma was like the mother I never had.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww. Thank you so very much. I truly appreciate your kind and thoughtful words 😊 She surely was a pearl of great price. She was an Angel from Heaven. Along with my grandma. Who passed away two years later in 2010 of Alzheimer’s. I miss them both dearly, along with many other family members who have passed throughout the years.

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  1. although I only met her once which was at our wedding, she left an impression on me, she was funny and kind, and her and your Grandma’s words to me I’ll always remember, “your married into our family now our only rule is keep your arguments to yourselves we don’t want to hear about it “ we laughed about it..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah. The whole family was like that. Heaven forbid a person such as myself reaches out for help and support, rather than bottling up my inner pain. I was the odd ball of the family. One with a voice.


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