Breaking The Cycle

Breaking The Cycle

Why must we show our pain in ways others can see,

When the true depths of our suffering lies on our sleeve,

Why must blood be spilled, scars be shown,

For own pain to be acknowledged, known.

I don’t believe the world should wait,

For us to hurt ourselves to demonstrate.

The battles we fight, the demons we face,

It shouldn’t have to leave a physical trace.

My pain, your pain, is real, whether it’s seen or not,

It doesn’t need validation through a blood clot,

Let’s break the cycle, set ourselves free,

From the expectations to wear our pain visibly.

We must speak our truth, share our stories,

Without the need for external glories,

Let’s support each other, listen within,

Before the wounds are open, before the skin is thin.

14 thoughts on “Breaking The Cycle

  1. Very well written and challenging questions. Mental Health issues often get neglected because there is no physical evidence. Sad that it takes bruises and black eyes before anyone listens. But no one sees the internal scars.

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    1. Thank you. I agree 110%. Internal scars are just as important as outer scars. In my opinion, internal scars are the worst form of scars. Not only do they take much longer to heal, but they can wreak havoc on a person’s mental health. I should know because, it’s been over 37 years since my trauma and abuse, and I’m still recovering and healing. From the time I was 6 years old up until I was 19 years old, I painfully endured and suffered the most inhumane and brutal trauma and abuse from my adoptive parents. Not to mention being raped twice at 11 years old.

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      1. You have really gone through it. That is so bad when those who are supposed to be our protectors become our abusers! I can see why the trauma still is very real for you. So sorry for all you have gone through.

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        1. Yes. I agree. To this day I still wonder, had someone heard my plea and cry for help, would my mental health be a little better. And had I not suffered as many years that I did, what would my mental health look like today. Unfortunately, it is what it is. It happened, I survived. I know I can’t change it but, I still wonder. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and support.

          P.S. I have written an autobiography if you want to check it out.

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