Living With Chronic Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis

Living With Chronic Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis

How is one supposed to live a life of purpose when all your life is filled with is constant around the clock, agonizing chronic pain!?

Suffering with constant around the clock chronic pain has affected every aspect of my life, in more ways than one. How?

Allow me to explain:

Living a life filled with constant chronic pain is a very difficult challenge like no other. It feels as though every aspect of my life is being controlled by this unrelenting force, leaving me feeling helpless and defeated. How is one supposed to find purpose in life when all you can focus on is the pain that never seems to go away?

For me, the effects of chronic pain have been far-reaching. Not only does it impact me physically, but it also takes a toll on my mental health. The constant agony I experience on a daily basis leaves me feeling drained and unable to fully engage with the world around me. It’s discouraging to find joy in simple tasks when every movement is met with excruciating pain.

The loss of mobility that comes with chronic pain is perhaps the most devastating aspect of it all. Being unable to do the things that once brought me so much joy and fulfillment is a constant reminder of the limitations that this pain imposes on my life. It’s easy to feel isolated and alone when I’m stuck in bed while the world continues to move forward without me.

As the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months, and months turn into years, the mental toll of chronic pain becomes increasingly apparent. Depression, anxiety, and a sense of hopelessness has quickly taken hold, making it even more challenging to see a way out of the darkness that pain brings. It’s a vicious cycle that can feel impossible to break free from.

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So, how is one supposed to find purpose in life when all they can feel is agonizing pain? It’s a question that I grapple with every day. But despite the challenges that chronic pain presents, I believe that there is still hope for a fulfilling life. It may require a shift in perspective and a willingness to adapt to new limitations, but it is possible to find moments of joy and purpose even in the midst of pain.

Finding purpose in a life filled with chronic pain may involve redefining what success looks like for those of you who suffer with chronic pain. It may mean finding new hobbies or activities that can be done within your physical limitations. It may also involve seeking support from loved ones or mental health professionals to help cope with the emotional toll of pain.

While chronic pain may never fully go away, it doesn’t have to define who you are or what you’re capable of achieving. By finding ways to adapt and thrive in spite of chronic pain, it is possible to live a life of purpose and fulfillment. It may not be easy, but it is worth fighting for.

10 thoughts on “Living With Chronic Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis

    1. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. The thing is, I’ve been suffering with it since I was 36 and it’s only getting worse after every attempt of many years of medical treatment, PT, pain medications, home remedies and back surgery. Unfortunately, all treatments I have tried have failed. It’s quite discouraging, bringing with it, loneliness. There are days I feel so useless. 🥺 Take for example yesterday. My husband and I did our usual monthly going from place to place to pay the bills. That alone had me in excruciating pain and almost in tears.

      By the time we got to Dillon’s to get a money order for our rent, I couldn’t hardly stand, I was in so much pain. That’s where the uselessness comes in at. My day still wasn’t over. I had to watch my grand daughter, later in the day, along with my oldest daughter’s fiancé’s two boys. I didn’t have the energy, nor physically capable of chasing them around. So I did the only thing I know to do and command from the couch.

      I wanted desperately to take the kids outside to play and allow my granddaughter to play on the playground behind us. But I was already in excruciating pain, I couldn’t move. It’s a very isolating and lonely feeling when being a MiMi and not being physically capable of playing with my granddaughter and my soon to be grandsons.

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        1. Thank you sweetheart. I’m so grateful and thankful for your prayers, and continued support, and encouragement. 💕💜 it really does mean a lot. It means a lot because, support and encouragement is what I desperately need right now.

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  1. I may not know the pain you’re going through, but I can see it in your face and eyes, I wish the Drs would do something instead of making excuses of why they can’t do something about it

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