

Sadjie’s WDYS #241 – June 3, 2024

Inspirational Image

My first daughter Ashleigh – Born a Miracle

Born a miracle,

God’s beautiful pinnacle.

Eyes sparkle and shine,

Precious life, so divine.

What do I see?

A precious life, meant to be.

A life of grace and light,

who shines vivaciously bright.

Skip Ahead 21 Years

My first daughter at 21 years old. She survived all odds.
✨She’s a living, breathing Miracle from God! ✨

(A note for those of you don’t know the back story of my daughter being born a miracle.)

*My daughter Ashleigh , shown in these pictures above, survived all odds shortly after being born. Hours after my daughter was born, death came knocking on her door. She was born premature and her lungs weren’t fully developed and while in the N.I.C.U., her health rapidly declined.

She was hooked up to all sorts of machines, including a feeding tube. She was also severely jaundiced. The N.I.C.U. doctor told us she wasn’t going to survive. Her lungs were too underdeveloped. She was clinging to life just days after being born.

Our pastor Rick Harms was by her bedside day and night praying for her. Our church, family, friends, and my husband and I were also praying for a miracle.

Miraculously, God heard our cries and blessed my daughter with life. Her lungs began to improve, her breathing began to improve, the blue light from the machine she was in began to heal her jaundice. Come May 31, 2003, she was discharged with a clean bill of health and we got to take her home, but with some caution rules. So it’s not just love that’s a miracle. My daughter being blessed with life.

However, throughout the years, there were many doctor and er visits. Due to her being born premature, her immune system wasn’t very strong, she got sick, A Lot. She was on a round of many medications and special formula.
Here it is 21 years later and she is a healthy beautiful woman and great mother.

Written in response to: https://lifeafter50forwomen.com/2024/06/03/what-do-you-see-241-3rd-june-2024/

14 thoughts on “Miracle

    1. Thank you so much 🤗 Not only is Love a miracle but my daughter survived all odds after she was born, death came knocking on her door. She was born premature and her lungs weren’t fully developed and while in the N.I.C.U., her health rapidly declined. She was hooked up to all sorts of machines, including a feeding tube. She was also severely jaundiced. The N.I.C.U. doctor told us she wasn’t going to survive. Her lungs were too underdeveloped. She was clinging to life just days after being born.

      Our pastor was by her bedside day and night praying for her. Our church, family, friends, and my husband and I were also praying for a miracle.

      Miraculously, God heard our cries and blessed my daughter with life. Her lungs began to improve, her breathing began to improve, the blue light from the machine she was in began to heal her jaundice. Come May 31, 2003, she was discharged with a clean bill of health and we got to take her home, but with some caution rules. So it’s not just love that’s a miracle. My daughter being blessed with life.

      However, throughout the years, there were many doctor and er visits. Due to her being born premature, her immune system wasn’t very strong, she got sick, A Lot. She was on a round of many medications and special formula.

      Here it is 21 years later and she is a healthy beautiful woman and great mother.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I remember this day as if it was yesterday, wondering and worrying everyday, and having to take infant CPR before we could take her home, and her having a home nurse for a few months, it was all overwhelming but we kept on going because she was (is) our precious child.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep. You and I both. Watching her lay there suffering, feeling so helpless was a feeling no mother or father should ever have to endure. She fought hard and clinged to life everyday she was in that N.I.C.U. She’s always been a fighter.

      I still remember standing over her in the N.I.C.U. whispering to her to keep fighting and to never give up. Standing over her, our eyes met, she saw the pain and tears in my eyes as I was praying to God, begging him to save her life.


  2. Such a beautiful poem. I’m touched by your daughter’s story. Love and prayers do miracle. Heartwarming to know now she is such a wonderful mother. You all are blessed. Best wishes for you all.

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