Strength Through The Darkness

Strength Through The Darkness

“It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” – Rocky Balboa

June 6th

Writers Workshop Prompt – Strength

Strength is all I’ve ever known,

I’ve had no choice but to be strong.

Battle after battle, resilience I have shown,

Dark paths I have walked along.

Each dark path traveled, trials came,

Some knocked me flat on my face,

While others, a head hung in shame,

But each battle fought, I fought with grace.

Through weakness, comes strength,

With strength, comes resilience,

trials will come in wavelengths,

Some will be down right hideous.

You win some, you lose some,

The ones lost, lose with humility,

The ones won, beat your own drum.

Never give up, embrace your survivability.

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