Relentless Suffering ๐Ÿ˜–

Relentless Suffering ๐Ÿ˜–

I am going to go ahead and apologize now to make you all aware that this will be my only post today due to being in excruciating pain.

From the time I woke up this morning up until now, I have been in agonizing pain, despite every effort of relieving the pain. My home health nurse made a visit today and I informed her that my chronic back pain is getting worse and everything I have tried to alleviate the pain, has failed.

My home health nurse was very understanding, and compassionate, as well as extremely supportive. When a person such as myself suffers with agonizing pain every second of every day, it tends to take a toll on the mind and affects mental health. Not only that but I have been feeling confined strictly to my home and the only socialization I get, is here on WordPress. So it can feel quite lonely and isolating.

So the visit with my home health nurse was quite refreshing, I felt heard and seen. As the visit went on, I felt as if, finally someone gets it, someone knows my suffering. Those of you who suffer in constant and agonizing pain every day, Iโ€™m sure can relate to my situation. You want more than anything to live a life without being in pain, you want to be heard and seen, as well as have someone show empathy and compassion.

Hopefully, after my home health nurse passes her notes onto my PCP as well as my insurance, Iโ€™m hoping and praying my PCP and insurance will find a solution thatโ€™s right for me. All I want is to live again, to live a life pain free or at least in less pain to where I can physically function and walk, not having to worry about sitting down every few minutes. I want to be able to go grocery shopping without being in pain, play with my granddaughter, clean my house, do laundry. You know, normal everyday things.

I want to feel useful, not useless. I want and need to feel like I am doing something to contribute for my family. I just want to feel normal again. As it stands now, I feel completely useless, although my husband tells me Iโ€™m not. I use to be a happy and energetic person who loved life, but this chronic pain leaves me absolutely miserable and I feel like all I am is a cripple who doesnโ€™t have a life and can barely walk.

For those of you who suffer from any type of chronic pain and disease, please remember you are not alone. There is someone out there who is also suffering. If you feel hesitant to reach out for support and need someone to talk to, please donโ€™t hold back. Everyone suffers in one way or another, you donโ€™t have to face it alone. You deserve to feel heard and seen. You matter, your pain matters, you are loved, you are worthy!

17 thoughts on “Relentless Suffering ๐Ÿ˜–

  1. I told you, youโ€™re not useless, I know you may feel that way because youโ€™re only able to do things in small increments. Thatโ€™s not your fault, and you do try and do things. All we can do is hope and pray these Drs will do something to ease your pain, next Dr visit Iโ€™m going, and making him tell me why surgery is not on the table, and what else can he do to ease your pain, you have done physical therapy and shots, which shots help for a little bit but itโ€™s not a cure. Donโ€™t ever think that youโ€™re useless, cause youโ€™re NOTโ€ฆ

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    1. Thank you for that babe. It just frustrates me that I am only 43 years old and still suffering. Iโ€™m too young to feel this old. Iโ€™m too young to suffer this much.

      As far as you going to my doctorโ€™s appointment, good. Having you be my voice, maybe then something will come of all this. Something needs to be done because like I said, I donโ€™t know how much more of this that I can take. I canโ€™t continue living in misery. Itโ€™s already enough I had to suffer my whole childhood. Now Iโ€™m suffering in my adult years. I know itโ€™s life but where is my break!? Why must I continue to suffer!? Whatโ€™s the purpose in all this!? I just want and need to feel normal again. Not suffer in pain for the rest of my life. Thatโ€™s no way to live. ๐Ÿฅบ

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  2. Jenny…. sending hugs and hope you feel better. take it easy and rest…๐Ÿค—
    some days it will bring you down…but we’ve seen you still push forward. You’re an amazing person ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค

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    1. Awww! Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words, as well as your support. I deeply appreciate it. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿค— This morning when I woke up, the pain was beyond what I felt I could handle. I couldnโ€™t move, and couldnโ€™t walk. My husband had to help me to the bathroom and all I knew to do was cry in agony. This debilitating pain has me wrapped in chains. Itโ€™s knocked me flat on my back. All Iโ€™ve been doing all day is lay on the couch with a heating pad. The pain meds and ibuprofen is taking the edge off but not enough to make the pain go away. None of this has been easy, but Iโ€™m trying to hang on the best I know how.

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        1. Thank you. Me to. I got in touch with a pain specialist to see about getting an epidural, hoping that will help. But of course itโ€™s gonna be a while because I have to jump through hoopes before I can see the pain specialist. I have to have a current CT scan on file, then I have to go to my PCP and have current file notes regarding my back painโ€ฆinsert eye roll ๐Ÿ™„ I should already have all that in my file because every time I go to see my PCP I am always talking to him about my back pain, plus the numerous of times I have called my PCP asking for him to call out a pain medication for my back pain, plus steroids to bring down the inflammation.

          So lord knows when Iโ€™ll finally be able to visit with the pain specialist. Also what sucks is the original pain specialist I had that did my nerve ablation is no longer in my network. So now I have to see a new pain specialist. So when I finally get to see him, I have to have a consultation before anything gets put in place ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

          So I have to continue to suffer through this agony for a while before anything gets done.

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            1. Thank you sweetheart ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿค— I deeply appreciate your warm and caring words. And yes, the torturous wait is just that, torturous. Iโ€™ll be looking forward to the day I finally receive the much needed relief from this agony.

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  3. Hey beautiful!! Yes, you. ๐Ÿซต

    I pray you feel better soon. Sending virtual hugs. ๐Ÿค—
    All days may not be great. But you’re stronger than you think.Continue pushing through, you got this!

    Oh, I’m sending chocolate also๐Ÿซ๐Ÿฉ everyone needs something sweet when they not feeling well.
    More hugs love! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

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