In A World Where Pain Exists

In A World Where Pain Exists

“Only great pain, the long, slow pain that takes its time…compels us to descend to our ultimate depths…I doubt that such pain makes us “better;” but I know it makes us more profound;” This quote is attributed to: Friedrich Nietzsche

Goodreads quotes

In a world where there is disease and pain, there are many different levels of pain a person can experience, let alone handle. There is mild pain which means the pain is can be a nagging pain which is considered annoying but it’s not really anything too significant to interfere with daily activities or daily living.

Then you have moderate pain,” which means it can be a negative distraction during any type of physical activity. It’s tolerable but it can’t be ignored for longer than a certain period of time.

The third type or level of pain a person experiences is called Severe pain.” Severe pain can be the worst type or level of pain a person can experience. “Severe pain,” is a feeling of great discomfort or intensity that makes it extremely difficult to perform activities or even function in daily life. Even so much so, it can interfere with socialization and going out with family or friends. Which in turn confides a person to their home leaving them feeling cut off from the world, as well as isolated.

Here are different levels of pain intensity and what each one means:

Level 7:

Pain that takes over our senses and limits our daily living, activities, and socializing with family and friends outside our homes.

• Level 8:

Intense pain that severely impacts and interrupts our ability to socialize and perform daily activities and tasks.

• Level 9:

Excruciating and immense pain that can affect speaking and can cause us to disengage from communication and conversation, replaced with uncontrollable moaning and crying in pain.

Level 10:

Unspeakable and the ultimate worse kind of pain there is on a level scale. This level can and will cause a person to become bedridden. Not only that but, a person’s pain can become overwhelmingly severe, they may even experience hallucinations due to their body not being able to cope with the pain, without intervention.

Now, with that said, no one human experiences pain in the same exact way you do. Nor does anyone who isn’t experiencing your same pain have any right whatsoever to dismiss your pain as anything less than what it is. Your pain is just as important as anyone else’s pain. It’s not a competition. No one person is in more or less pain than you. Take for instance a cancer patient, would you tell a cancer patient to, “suck it up” and “deal with it?” NO! Absolutely not!

Then how is anyone else’s pain any less important? I also must mention that we all heal in different ways. Some heal quicker than others and some take longer than others to heal due having an autoimmune condition/disease or some form of underlying disease preventing them from healing.

Take for example someone like myself who suffers with Level 10 pain on a daily basis. The worst and most significant kind of pain there is. It affects every aspect of my life, including doing something as simple as walking, going to the bathroom, getting dressed, taking a shower, grocery shopping, etc. I have to depend on my husband and kids to help me, which hurts my character and makes me feel so small.

I am the type of person who does not handle pain very well at all. My body has a very low tolerance for pain. I will inform you that I have absolutely no control over that. Can I take pain medications? Yes, absolutely but those are only enough to take the edge off but doesn’t remove all the pain. So don’t you dare sit there and tell me “it’s mind over matter!” I’m here to tell you, THAT IS BS!!

When a person such as myself who suffers with not only Chronic Pain, but Degenerative Disc Disease, (Collapsed Stage), Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, as well as underlying diseases, it’s extremely difficult for my body to heal. Let alone function properly. I have lost all the tissue and cartilage in between my vertebrae’s. The bones in back are constantly rubbing together, which creates friction, and inflammation. Overtime, when the bones are constantly rubbing together it causes erosion. What does that come with? LEVEL 10 Pain!

If I were able to “heal” my body with my mind as well as exercise, yoga, and meditation and replace lost tissue and cartilage in between my vertebrae’s, and automatically be completely out of pain and completely healed, IT WOULD BE A DAMN MIRACLE!!

Some things like exercise, yoga, and meditation is NOT the answer to everything! Yes granted, it could help stimulate the mind and help improve our mood and keep us from getting depressed, as well as improve our mental health and strengthen our muscles. But it is by NO MEANS a physical miracle to heal a body that has already sustained permanent damage.

Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis is a permanent condition and disease, it’s irreversible! Although some doctors may say by surgically altering the discs in the spine may help prolong life and reduce pain, but like I said before, not every human body is going to heal in the same way. Many people who have had spinal surgery are still in remarkable pain despite surgical intervention.

For those of you who do not know what Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis is, read below.

Shutter Shock

What is Collapsed Degenerative Disc Disease?

At this stage, the spinal discs undergo irreversible degeneration. To address spine issues, invasive surgery is the only solution available. During the collapsing stage, mobility is significantly compromised.

The fusion of the bones in the spine occurs as a result of the pressure exerted by the spinal column. This fusion is a result of the absence of spinal discs that normally separate the bones in the spine. As the bones fuse, it leads to decreased mobility across various areas of the spine.

You might find it difficult to rotate your body or maintain an upright posture. Additionally, you may experience continuous back pain. At this point, the spinal discomfort will intensify as a result of persistent inflammation and stress on the bones.

Those who reach the collapsing stage often face challenges in leading regular lives. They might find themselves restricted to a wheelchair or confined to bed due to limited mobility and intense pain. Given the seriousness of the collapsing stage, it is crucial to address degenerative disc disease well before it reaches this point.

You will then avoid the consequences of this stage of the disease. You can also avoid more intensive treatments such as surgery.

Source of my information:

Shutter shock

What is Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis happens when the bony openings (foramina) in the spine start to narrow, reducing the space for nerves. This narrowing can take place in the spinal canal (where the spinal cord is located) and/or in the intervertebral foramina where spinal nerves exit the spinal canal. The compression of a spinal nerve or spinal cord due to this narrowing can lead to pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness, depending on the extent of narrowing and the affected area. To read more about spinal stenosis visit:

So in conclusion, if you are suffering with constant agonizing pain, just know you are not alone. I get how hopeless you may feel, how discouraged you may feel, how life can feel impossible and lonely. I have had many days where I felt I couldn’t go on, where all I wanted to do was just give up because this pain has been too significant I felt I couldn’t take one more day of it but I have stayed resilient and have tried everything remotely possible to help keep myself going through this storm. I have traveled down many paths to find solution after solution, some with a promise of hope and others not so much.


2 thoughts on “In A World Where Pain Exists

  1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this. Stated perfectly and I hope you know or realize how powerful one person’s resolve can inspire so many others. I do pray for that miracle for you and many who suffer with this. I have read about new “treatments”, and that technology is advancing, but that sure doesn’t alleviate the pain endured now. Bless you ~ Always ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very welcome 🤗. If it helps just one person and inspires others, my mission is accomplished. 🤗

      Thank you so much for the prayers as well as the well wishes. I truly appreciate it. And yes, I strongly agree about how technology has advanced drastically over the years. What one treatment works for one person, may not work for the other.

      Liked by 1 person

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