Words Set Free

Words Set Free

Belladonnas Flashlight asks; Please share with us how you get through things that hurt you, using as many words as necessary.

Written in response to: http://Six Words Is All I GOT Bad memories erased because of prayer! http://belladonnasflashlight.com/2024/06/17/six-words-is-all-i-got-22/

My take on this question:

Hurt me not,
For I refuse to rot.
I stand strong,
a force, in my song.

A blog, my sea,
of peace.
words sail,
upon oceans blue.

Feelings released,
as far as the east.
Words of hurt,

Each wave, a song of,
unfailing love.
A peaceful solidarity,
promises of clarity.

Belladonnas Flashlight: Your blog post inspired me to write this poem. I hope you enjoy it. 💕🤗

7 thoughts on “Words Set Free

      1. Oh yes! Absolutely … has a beautiful flow! I like the empowering vibe! You might not be in the WP reader (seen). I came directly over! Keep up the good work, ❤ and wish you a wonderful week!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you so much for your positive and kind feedback. It is deeply appreciated 💕🤗 Have a wonderful week yourself.

          I’m not in the WordPress reader? Hmmm 🤔 When I look my profile name up in the reader my profile pops up. Sorry about that. I don’t know why you aren’t able to see it. You should be able to see it since you are subscribed to my blog.

          Liked by 1 person

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