A Spiritual Significance

A Spiritual Significance

Mystical creatures,
Free spirited in nature,
coated in colorful features,
of iridescent layers.

a symbol of resilience,
sits on its perch,
in brilliance.

Satisfied of sweet nectar,
here in a flash,
with a message to deliver,
of loved ones, passed.

An angel in disguise,
a spiritual significance,
tiny in size,
pure exquisiteness.

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 23, 2024. All rights reserved.

16 thoughts on “A Spiritual Significance

    1. Oh wow! That’s cool. They are a gorgeous species I admire. Before my grandma passed away, she gave me some porcelain hummingbirds of hers. I still have them and deeply cherish them. I still remember sitting outside with my grandma when I was younger and we would watch the birds eat from the bird feeder and would occasionally see hummingbird’s. When I saw my first hummingbird as a child , I’ve admired them and have found them to be the most fascinating creature ever since.

      So now every time I see a hummingbird, it takes me back to when my grandma was alive and we would sit outside watching the birds. My grandma was more of a mother to me than my adopted mother was. That’s why I still hold onto every special moment I had with my grandma. When she passed, a part of my heart went with her. 🥺


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