Wordless Wednesday June 19, 2024

Wordless Wednesday June 19, 2024

Good morning all my bright eyed and bushy tailed friends and fellow bloggers! 🤗 Happy Wednesday!

I have something a little different from my normal blogging routine. I hope you all enjoy these my pictures.

Here in Toto Land we have some very creative architects. These pictures below speak for themselves. I took these photos in 2017 at a place here in Kansas called, “Heavy Metal Restorations.”

Jurassic Oil

This one was my favorite

My second favorite

If you would like to see the video I took, click on this link https://photos.app.goo.gl/KbGCAHTSJ7mv4ztZ8

I honestly had a great time seeing all the amazing talent, creatively constructed with metal. I was in complete awe.

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 19, 2024. All rights reserved.

Wordless Wednesday Part 2

Wordless Wednesday Part 2

On my drive back from picking my daughter up from drivers Ed, I had to stop off to take a pic of this beautiful art work. I’ve passed it many times and have been wanting to take a picture of it. How can you not. It’s stunning artwork. I love anything art.

Not only that but I couldn’t resist petting the horses in the field. I LOVE HORSES!! 🐴

Towanda Kansas
Art display, for all to see,

A creative piece, so serene.

Picture perfect, a tranquil view,

painted a cheerful blue.
Towanda Kansas
Exquisite art, a delicate piece,

Carefully crafted,

viewed from the streets.

A pristine piece, enchanted.

I Also Love horses! I couldn’t resist petting this beauty. He was quite friendly.
Munch. Munch. He was hungry.
My youngest daughter also loves horses.

Does anyone know why these horses in the pictures have to have guards over their face?

Don’t mind my messy hair. It was windy. 😂
Self with my new buddy 😁

Such beautiful artwork! Towanda Kansas
Storms Art Display

Storms Art Display

Mid Summer rain, such a delightful sight.

A cool breeze grazes my face.

What a peaceful feeling.

Thunder roars and rips loudly, lightning strikes.

Across the night sky, paints art.

A remarkable piece.

Written in response to Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday syllabic Poetry Challange