Riding This Same Vibe

Riding This Same Vibe

Isn’t it funny how around this same exact time, last year, I am riding this same exact vibe again. 🤔 Especially that last part, “When no one can see that you are depressed you just want to yell to the world that you’re upset.”

Many times I have wanted to shout what I have been feeling so I can finally just let go and release it. But something inside of me remembers how I have lost too many friends and family because I was “too much for them.” Or I was “burdening them.” So of course we all know when that happens what people resort to. If you said, they tend to keep their inner pain and suffering to themselves, then you are absolutely correct.

Is it healthy? Absolutely not. I know from past experiences, how it can take a mental toll on a person’s mental health or state of mind. However, that’s why I am grateful and thankful for this most amazing, friendly, and supportive community of bloggers. It’s my escape, it’s my go to, it’s my outlet where I can come and feel safe and comfortable sharing my inner pain without judgement or criticism.

It’s almost as if stepping into a coffee shop having a delicious cup of Joe with all my friends, while sharing the depths of my pain that reside within me and not having the slightest fear of being judged or criticized. But let’s not forget all the wonderful laughs and inspirational moments we have along the way, sharing beautiful memories.

I said that because after writing that second to last paragraph, that visualization sprung to my mind.

Every morning after waking up, is like stepping into a virtual coffee shop where I know all my friends, and fellow bloggers will be sitting blogging away on their laptops or phones, inspiring the world with their fantastic stories, poems, blogs, articles, beautiful pictures of everything from flowers to beautiful landscapes.

After grabbing myself a hot cup of coffee the first thing I do is check on my WP friends to see what new thing I will learn or see, reply to comments, and sometimes even write a post or two. Although some mornings are a little more difficult than others due to waking up in agonizing pain and not being able to move or function.

Oooops, sorry I got a little side tracked, now I’m rambling. lol 😂 Anyways, the point I was trying to originally make was despite the days of wanting to scream to the world about my inner sufferings as well as physical sufferings, I know I have a safe and secure place to lash out, pour my feelings out, express exactly what is on my mind without the slightest fear or worry of backlash or harsh judgment or criticism. You All are a huge Blessing!!! ❤️💙🦋


Words Set Free

Words Set Free

Belladonnas Flashlight asks; Please share with us how you get through things that hurt you, using as many words as necessary.

Written in response to: http://Six Words Is All I GOT Bad memories erased because of prayer! http://belladonnasflashlight.com/2024/06/17/six-words-is-all-i-got-22/

My take on this question:

Hurt me not,
For I refuse to rot.
I stand strong,
a force, in my song.

A blog, my sea,
of peace.
words sail,
upon oceans blue.

Feelings released,
as far as the east.
Words of hurt,

Each wave, a song of,
unfailing love.
A peaceful solidarity,
promises of clarity.

Belladonnas Flashlight: Your blog post inspired me to write this poem. I hope you enjoy it. 💕🤗



Motivational quotes, they can be quite inspiring, right? Someone who comes across it may need to see it at just the right time. I know I have came upon many motivational quotes, phrases, poems, and statements throughout my life time.

I have also came up with my own motivational quotes that have surprisingly shocked me to my core and gave me goose bumps.

So, with that said, I’ll get on with what motivational quote I came up with yesterday.

Yesterday, my husband and I were on our way to the courthouse to renew our tags and I saw two trucks that I liked. So, I say to my husband “Those are nice trucks.”

(By the way, in case you all don’t know, I love trucks!)

Anyways, my husband then goes on to say, “I want a truck so bad.” I then say, “if you ever do get a truck, we outta take it out to go mudding and do 360’s in the mud, that would be so much fun!” 🤩

My husband’s response: “If I ever do get a truck, I’m not going to tear it up by going out mudding.”

My response: 🤦‍♀️ “Yeah but, trucks are built to handle that type of thing.”

-“You gotta live a little.”

I then say to my husband – YOLO!!

For those who haven’t heard the term: (YOLO)

YOLO – You Only Live Once

Then……..I say, (This is where I came up with my own motivational quote.)

If you can’t live while you are alive, then you aren’t living. Jenny Frye

Read that again…

In life, we all need and thrive on fun! We are built for speed. We all long for change. We love living on the edge. There is so much more to life than paying bills, living a mundane life, worrying about things that are beyond our control.

We all need to get away, we all need a break from time to time. It’s in our nature.

It’s okay to have fun. It’s okay to live a little. There is so much more out there to enjoy and explore.

If you are just living from day to day in the same boring routine and you find yourself feeling like you are in a twilight zone or some sort of paradox, that’s when you know,

it’s time to get away. It’s time to surround yourself with a change of scenery!