Depressions Gremlin

Depressions Gremlin

Depression, a bottomless hole,

reaches deep within the soul.

A hopeless feeling,

of constant weeping.

An endless battle,

wrapped in shackles.

Voiceless screams,

bursting at the seams.

Depressions gremlin,

feeds within.

A shadowy puppeteer,

stealing joy, with every tear.

Under this gremlins spell,

Can feel like hell.

But with resiliences potion,

The gremlins grip becomes broken.

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 20, 2024. All rights reserved.

A REBLOG from – Nancy Virden I’m Here For You, And I’m Listening

A REBLOG from – Nancy Virden I’m Here For You, And I’m Listening

By Nancy Virden (c)2024 Moods come and go, but depression is a complex mental disorder. Called a “mood disorder”, depression is not a healthy state …

I’m Here For You, And I’m Listening