Buried Hope

Buried Hope

Riding on waves of vibes,
on ocean tides.
Feelings immerse,
a poets verse.

Poems of triumph,
a testament of will.
Buried in grains,
of ocean sands, remains.

A discovery to be found,
among a face in the crowd.
Grounds for hope,
in this celestial globe.

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 19, 2024. All rights reserved.



Motivational quotes, they can be quite inspiring, right? Someone who comes across it may need to see it at just the right time. I know I have came upon many motivational quotes, phrases, poems, and statements throughout my life time.

I have also came up with my own motivational quotes that have surprisingly shocked me to my core and gave me goose bumps.

So, with that said, I’ll get on with what motivational quote I came up with yesterday.

Yesterday, my husband and I were on our way to the courthouse to renew our tags and I saw two trucks that I liked. So, I say to my husband “Those are nice trucks.”

(By the way, in case you all don’t know, I love trucks!)

Anyways, my husband then goes on to say, “I want a truck so bad.” I then say, “if you ever do get a truck, we outta take it out to go mudding and do 360’s in the mud, that would be so much fun!” 🤩

My husband’s response: “If I ever do get a truck, I’m not going to tear it up by going out mudding.”

My response: 🤦‍♀️ “Yeah but, trucks are built to handle that type of thing.”

-“You gotta live a little.”

I then say to my husband – YOLO!!

For those who haven’t heard the term: (YOLO)

YOLO – You Only Live Once

Then……..I say, (This is where I came up with my own motivational quote.)

If you can’t live while you are alive, then you aren’t living. Jenny Frye

Read that again…

In life, we all need and thrive on fun! We are built for speed. We all long for change. We love living on the edge. There is so much more to life than paying bills, living a mundane life, worrying about things that are beyond our control.

We all need to get away, we all need a break from time to time. It’s in our nature.

It’s okay to have fun. It’s okay to live a little. There is so much more out there to enjoy and explore.

If you are just living from day to day in the same boring routine and you find yourself feeling like you are in a twilight zone or some sort of paradox, that’s when you know,

it’s time to get away. It’s time to surround yourself with a change of scenery!


Quote Of The Day 💭

Quote Of The Day 💭

Our problems and life’s adversities are only temporary. Not everyday will bring the same amount of pain and or darkness. There is light on the other side if we strive to reach hard enough for it. By: Jenny Frye

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. All rights reserved.