Wordless Wednesday June 19, 2024

Wordless Wednesday June 19, 2024

Good morning all my bright eyed and bushy tailed friends and fellow bloggers! 🤗 Happy Wednesday!

I have something a little different from my normal blogging routine. I hope you all enjoy these my pictures.

Here in Toto Land we have some very creative architects. These pictures below speak for themselves. I took these photos in 2017 at a place here in Kansas called, “Heavy Metal Restorations.”

Jurassic Oil

This one was my favorite

My second favorite

If you would like to see the video I took, click on this link https://photos.app.goo.gl/KbGCAHTSJ7mv4ztZ8

I honestly had a great time seeing all the amazing talent, creatively constructed with metal. I was in complete awe.

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 19, 2024. All rights reserved.