In A Digital World

In A Digital World

“Today, spend a little time cultivating relationships offline. Never forget that everybody isn’t on social media.” — Germany Kent

By: Your tango

In a world that has gone almost all digital, today’s generation has access to a plethora of opportunities for connection through so many social media platforms. However, it’s crucial to step outside of ourselves and our addictions to social media and refocus our attention towards the people who truly matter in our lives, those who are standing before our very eyes. The ones who value and love us for who we are as individuals, rather than for what we can offer them.

Although social media can present an abundance of options, let’s trust that the right people will eventually cross our paths, the ones God has placed in our lives for his glory and our will. When they do, it is then when we will find our destined connections and the people who are meant to be in our lives, the ones who will love us for who we are, value us, and respect us as individuals and not just for what we can provide them.

Copyright ©️ by Jenny Frye. June 21, 2024. All rights reserved.