A World Of Corruption!

A World Of Corruption!

The corruption of our government and the crooked politicians of this world are driving this world into the ground, creating chaos destruction, hate and war. This world we live in is sadly divided by racism, strife, folly and sin.

It’s even more sad when our American Citizens are so blind and don’t see what’s really happening in front of their very eyes. When are we going to wake up and realize that our president and leaders of this world are making us look weak! Other countries are laughing at us and thinking we are a complete joke because our president stands before the whole entire world and can’t even say a competent sentence.

He can’t even find his way around the stage, when he talks, he goes completely off topic babbling about stuff that doesn’t even make sense and then stands there and laughs about it, he wonders off in a complete daze and doesn’t even know where he is half the time, he makes poor choices which leads to further damage to our economy and society. Also I must mention and point out, when Hawaii got destroyed by all those tragic fires; where was our president? Yes, that’s right, on vacation! It took him over a week to visit the victims of this sad tragedy!

THEN!!!….THEN!!!….Stood before these victims comparing his small kitchen fire and almost losing his corvette to thousands who lost their homes and loved ones!! WHAT!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!! That minor fire was NOTHING compared to what these poor Hawaiian victims painfully endured!!! THE NERVE!!! 🤬

NOW, do we really want an incompetent president for the next 4 years who has to have people telling him line for line what to say and how to address our American citizens, rising the cost of food, gas prices, causing hate and war, risking the lives of our American citizens? I sure as hell don’t! He has done nothing but drive this world into the ground by creating diversity and a divided nation, and has led our country into debt by implementing inflation because of all their poor and greedy, reckless spending.

To add to that, our president is allowing illegals over the border, supplying them with free housing, free education, free food, free healthcare but is oblivious to the fact that we have homeless veterans lining the streets that selflessly sacrificed their own lives to keep our world safe from wars and destruction! Pure heartlessness and selfishness! Not only that but these illegal immigrants are crossing the border, targeting vulnerable women and so far now two women if not more than that have been killed and now BREAKING NEWS!! Today a twelve year old child has been strangled and killed by these ruthless illegal criminals! THIS NEEDS TO BE PUT TO A STOP!!! CLOSE THE BORDER BIDEN!!!! AMERICA WAKE UP!!! LOOK WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!

Not to mention illegals who are crossing the border into our country and are bringing deadly diseases, that we have been trying to prevent for decades! Among many other things I will not mention. It’s down right FOLLY, evil and sinful!! Are you not seeing the tragic irony in all this!!?? If you can’t, I’m sorry, but you are among all those who are BLIND and refuse to see what’s really happening before your very eyes.

Written in response to: Word of The Day “Folly”