Embrace Your Curiosity

Embrace Your Curiosity


“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.” – Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein made this statement in the Life Magazine on May 2, 1955.

Did you know that research shows that people who are inquisitive or curious about the mysteries of life and everything in it, aids in brain development as well as achievement in life? It helps reduce anxiety and increases positive emotions.

Yeah, I didn’t either.

Everyday, things in life changes, our world is moving at such a fast pace, it’s difficult to keep up. As the saying goes, “you learn something new everyday.” This world is so big with voluptuous mysteries that have yet to be discovered and unraveled. We could spend our whole lives learning new things and everything in this life that the world has to offer. We will never stop learning about the mysteries, eternity, and the structures of this world and life.

With that said, if you are a very curious and inquisitive person like me, please don’t stop asking questions. And don’t you dare allow anyone to tell you, you are annoying or that you ask too many questions. It’s perfectly normal and more than okay to expand your knowledge about the virtues and mysteries of life.


Those people who make you feel small and ignorant just because you ask a lot of questions and are curious about the mysteries in life, are insecure about their own knowledge in life and have no ambition or drive to learn new things.

You are your own person, you have your own way of learning new things. You have every right to think outside of the box. Keep being you and keep asking questions! If one person you ask can’t answer your questions, don’t give up. Keep asking questions until you get the answers you need. It’s all part of being a curious and inquisitive human being.

Curiosity is intelligence having fun – Albert Einstein