My Cry For Love

My Cry For Love

“To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides”, “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own”, “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies”

I catch you looking at me,

why do you hold back,

from fulfilling passionates glee?

What happened to the butt smacks?

What happened to the cuddles?

Where did our love go?

I miss the warm snuggles.

Why are you so shallow?

Am I not enough?

Do I not turn you on?

Can you not see how I am a rare diamond in the rough?

Shining bright as the sun at dawn.

All I want is your love,

and affection, is that too much to ask?

It seem as though, you’ve lost sight of,

This simple task.

With each passing day,

my heart grows weary.

I feel our love is drifting away.

becoming weak and dreary.

I miss you,

I miss us.

In addition to,

Passionate smooches.

I’ve tried talking to you,

I’ve tried telling you how I feel,

I don’t know what else to do.

But write this poem to help our marriage heal.

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 21, 2024. All rights reserved.

Why Speak When Words Alone Are Not Enough.

Why Speak When Words Alone Are Not Enough.

“The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.” —Mother Teresa

Too many words have been spoken,

time and energy wasted.

Promises broken,

lovelessness, tasted.

This silence feels like a heavy shroud,

a quietness that speaks louder than any crowd.

In my sleep, I find a fragile peace,

a chance for my weary soul to finally release.

A new day approaches, sorrow lingers,

My heart, bruised and blistered.

I can’t continue to live like this,

Can’t you see, something’s amiss?

Our love has grown cold,

I question what our future beholds.

Silence only delays the inevitable,

Leaving this marriage, questionable.

Since you clearly don’t care enough to read my poems anymore, I guess you will never know how I feel.

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 1, 2024. All rights reserved.