A Smile is Worth A Thousand Stories

A Smile is Worth A Thousand Stories

If humans had taglines, what would yours be?

I’ve had no choice but to be strong


“Abuse is never deserved, it is an exploitation of innocence and physical disadvantage, which is perceived as an opportunity by the abuser.” – Lorraine Nilon, Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence

Why did I choose this tagline? Keep reading…

Here’s a small insight in the Back story to my tagline:

From the time I was 6 years old until I was 19 years old, I suffered horribly from people who were supposed to be the ones to protect me, love me, guide me, give me the tools needed for adulthood. But unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

March 15, 1981 is the day I was born into this world, to a mother who had already decided my fate, long before I was born. My biological mother and biological father didn’t want me from the get go. They gave me to a family who they thought would be better for me than they could provide. But they were sorely mistaken, their judgement was clouded by their alcoholism.

At just two years old, I was adopted by my half sister and her husband, who I would grow up calling “mom.” and “dad.” I was the only girl out of four boys, who I would grow up calling, “my brothers.” From the time I was six years old is how far back my memory will allow me to remember certain events. Normally, people who can remember that far back, remember good childhood memories and can recall how happy of a child they were, friends they had, even schools they attended.

Most people were blessed with a happy, care free childhood with parents who wanted them, loved them, cared for them, accepted them, made them feel safe, and protected them at all costs. But sadly, that wasn’t the case with my childhood.

I was my adoptive parent’s punching bag when they were having a bad day; mainly from my adoptive father. Blow after blow felt like some horrible nightmare. Not only was I his punching bag but, I was also my adoptive father’s play toy, a sexual fantasy that he would so grossly abuse and manipulate. A toy he would take advantage of without any conscious thought, nor a shred of guilt.

As a child at the very young and innocent age of six years old, I had little control over this monstrous beast and his sick and twisted demise. I was trapped, frozen in fear, with no escape, nowhere to run, feeling so alone. Fighting to break free only made the situation more intense, the more I fought, the harder he would restrain me. The screams weren’t enough to alert the neighbors, nor loud enough to sway him from his relentless pursuit to achieve his sick, demented fantasy.

To Be Continued…

As I grew up and was old enough to understand and process all the inhumane things that were so cruelly done to me as a child, I never would have imagined I would be a victim of sexual, and physical assault. The mental, emotional, and verbal abuse that came along with it, wasn’t any better.

My childhood was filled with constant fear, mental and emotional pain, anxiety, and depression. I have very little happy memories of my childhood, and times I felt safe. I wish I could sit here and say I had the greatest and happiest childhood, because I know that’s what people in today’s society would want to hear.

But in life, that’s not always the case, by telling my story and getting my story out there, who knows, my story could touch someone and inspire someone who’s also suffered from child abuse. Or who knows, maybe someone who is currently suffering with any type of abuse will gain the courage to step forward and speak out.

Now, with that said, now that you know a little about my back story you can understand a little about why I chose my tagline:

I’ve had no choice but to be strong.”

To read more of my story, click on the link below and it will take you to my autobiography I’ve been writing since 2018.

Autobiography Chapter 1



Sadjie’s WDYS #241 – June 3, 2024

Inspirational Image

My first daughter Ashleigh – Born a Miracle

Born a miracle,

God’s beautiful pinnacle.

Eyes sparkle and shine,

Precious life, so divine.

What do I see?

A precious life, meant to be.

A life of grace and light,

who shines vivaciously bright.

Skip Ahead 21 Years

My first daughter at 21 years old. She survived all odds.
✨She’s a living, breathing Miracle from God! ✨

(A note for those of you don’t know the back story of my daughter being born a miracle.)

*My daughter Ashleigh , shown in these pictures above, survived all odds shortly after being born. Hours after my daughter was born, death came knocking on her door. She was born premature and her lungs weren’t fully developed and while in the N.I.C.U., her health rapidly declined.

She was hooked up to all sorts of machines, including a feeding tube. She was also severely jaundiced. The N.I.C.U. doctor told us she wasn’t going to survive. Her lungs were too underdeveloped. She was clinging to life just days after being born.

Our pastor Rick Harms was by her bedside day and night praying for her. Our church, family, friends, and my husband and I were also praying for a miracle.

Miraculously, God heard our cries and blessed my daughter with life. Her lungs began to improve, her breathing began to improve, the blue light from the machine she was in began to heal her jaundice. Come May 31, 2003, she was discharged with a clean bill of health and we got to take her home, but with some caution rules. So it’s not just love that’s a miracle. My daughter being blessed with life.

However, throughout the years, there were many doctor and er visits. Due to her being born premature, her immune system wasn’t very strong, she got sick, A Lot. She was on a round of many medications and special formula.
Here it is 21 years later and she is a healthy beautiful woman and great mother.

Written in response to: https://lifeafter50forwomen.com/2024/06/03/what-do-you-see-241-3rd-june-2024/