Flower of The Day Challenge #83 Vibrant Kansas Sunflower

Flower of The Day Challenge #83 Vibrant Kansas Sunflower

Sunflowers, strong and bold,
A Symbol of gratitude,
Drinking in sunlights gold,
in an hourly magnitude.

Shimmering with radiance,
in fields so green,
with such vibrance,
a sight so serene.

Written in response to: https://ceenphotography.com/flower-of-the-day-fotd-challenge/

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 22, 2024. All rights reserved.

Night’s Healing Embrace

Night’s Healing Embrace

“Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.”
Napoleon Bonaparte, French Military Leader

Popular Sleep Quotes

As the moon rises high in the night sky,
And the stars twinkle with a gentle sigh,
I lay my head down to rest and keep,
drifting away into the land of sleep.

My mind begins to wander and roam,
Through fields of dreams, I freely roam,
visiting places I’ve never seen,
in the realm of sleep, I am a queen.

The worries of the day slowly fade,
as I find solace in the dreams I made.
My spirit is light, a tranquil heart,
a peaceful embrace, where the healing starts.

So let me drift off into the night,
where dreams are vivid, and healing takes plight.
In the quiet stillness of the night,
I find my peace in sweet sleeps, delight.

Written in response to: https://weeklyprompts.com/2024/06/15/weekly-prompts-weekend-challenge-sleep/

Copyright ©️ by Jenny Frye. June 15, 2024. All rights reserved.

Shades Of Blue in Fields of Bloom

Shades Of Blue in Fields of Bloom

Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Shades of Blue

Shades of blue,

In fields of bloom.

Nature in it’s making,

A moment worth taking.

Splashes of magnificent hues

of purple, yellow and blue.

Heaven under our feet,

Where peace can be reached.

Written in response to: Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Shades of Blue

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 4, 2024 All rights reserved.