Car Broke Down and Stuck On The Side Of The Road 🥺

Car Broke Down and Stuck On The Side Of The Road 🥺

Not exactly how I wanted to start my day🥺

After taking my youngest daughter to her drivers Ed 15 miles from my home town, I make it there safely. But the drive back was something I did not plan on happening . Just as we get into town, my car begins to wig out on me and my steering wheel locks up.

There I am stuck at the red light 🚦. I then proceed to turn the car off, in fear of worse things happening. There I am stuck in the middle of the road and my car won’t start. 🙄 So I did what anyone would do and I tried starting it and with my luck it wouldn’t start. So then I tried turning the key until I could get it start.

Finally, I was able to get it started but my steering wheel was still locked up. So I cautiously drive it at a snails speed and pulled it over to the side of the road. There I am stuck on the side of the road without a penny to my name or any tools to at least fix the corrosion on my battery cable. I then call some friends I knew I could rely on, praying they would somehow be able to help us out.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, a good friend of mine shows up, takes a look at my car and at first glance says it’s definitely our battery. I’m thinking ok good. It’s not that big of a deal, we just need a new battery and we’ll be good to go. Yeah wishful thinking! After scraping off the corrosion off the battery cable and putting it back on, putting jumper cables on and charging it, I start my car. Ahhhh! What a relief, it’s starts and my steering wheel unlocks.

Just when I thought my husband and I were in the clear and thought I could drive home, my good friend takes the jumper cables off and surprise, surprise, my car shuts off. I throw my hands up in frustration and am wondering why it shuts off. Then I hear the words “it’s your alternator.” OF COURSE IT IS!! WHAT ELSE CAN GO WRONG!! That’s just my luck!

“I don’t have the money for an alternator!” “Now, what am I going to do!” Im thinking, I’m certainly not going to just leave my car here to be vandalized or broken into! With my father in-law already on the way here; forty five minutes out, we are stuck. We then proceed to wait and all I could do was laugh at the situation. If I don’t laugh, I will be a ball of tears.

Fast forward forty five minutes or so later, my father in-law shows up, takes a look at my car and sure enough, our alternator is shot! (Here comes the water works.) Life and life’s heartaches, finances, physical chronic pain, family issues, is already stressful enough. At this point, I can’t handle much more.

My stress meter is at its max peak, and rising. My anxiety is through the roof. I’m really trying to be strong and keep it together but with all these things, one after another happening without any sign of relief has got my feathers ruffled.

To be continued…I’ll update you all here soon.