The Boiling Point

The Boiling Point

Three Things Challenge

Your three words today are:


The Boiling Point

I could feel the heat in my face intensify, a simmering anger began to seethe within me, bubbling up like a boiling pot of water. The tension in the room was noticeable, the atmosphere was so thick, I could cut it with a knife.

I could feel the frustration and pent up emotions growing between the both of us. It was only a matter of time before the bubble of restraint burst, unleashing a froth of heated words and raw emotions, I would later regret.

The room seemed to crackle with intensity of the moment, each breath feeling heavier than the last. It was a powerful ticking bomb ready to explode, and there was no telling what might happen once it did.

Written in response to #3TC:

http://Three Things Challenge #M714 Welcome to the daily Three Things Challenge. Use your imagination and creativity using one, two or all three words that may or may not be related. …

Copyright ©️ by: Jenny Frye. June 3, 2024. All rights reserved.